Cyber Security & Social Media – making sure your business is safe
With the amount of information shared online these days, social media security has become even more important than ever.
Of course the introduction of social media has without doubt made the world a more connected place. However with this that can also create unprecedented access to individual and business information. This can obviously become a bad thing when hacked and scammers become involved.
We have come up with some tips that will ensure you can the reduce the risk of any social media threats to your business.
1. Educate your staff on the social media security best practices
Not all staff will have the common sense to be sensible when they use social media so it’s important all employees are on the same page when it comes to social media security. Those who have access to the company’s business social media accounts will need to follow strict guidelines on using them. Not to be clicking on ads or sharing login details or passwords and certainly not to be engaging with suspicious posts that may seem legit. There are plenty of bots that will send convincing messages so it’s important these are not engaged with.
2. Monitor your accounts on a regular basis
Whether your accounts on social media are active or not, keeping an eye on all channels is important. In particular unattended accounts are ripe for hacking. Assigning someone to check that all of your posts published are legitimate is an idea. Cross referencing these posts with a content plan is a great start and allows you to check that everything posted is what should be.
Following up on any unexpected posts, even if it seems legitimate is worth digging into if it strays from your content plan. It may be is pre human error, or a sign that someone has gained access to your accounts and is testing the water before posting something more malicious.
3. Input a social media policy
A social media policy will outline to your employees how to use social media responsibly. A policy can not only protect you from security threats but also bad PR and legal trouble as well. There are a number of points that the policy should include. These should include guidelines that the employees working at your business should follow. This can include how social media is used on a personal use, how they should use it and what to avoid and what company information should not be shared across social media.
Social media policies can help safeguard against such risks by making employees aware of the threats, how to avoid them, and what to do should an attack occur.
The three points are only a few of what you can do to ensure that your business is safe and reduces the risk of it being affected on social media. By following the points, your employees will know how to act in certain situations. It also ensures your brand doesn’t become at risk to hackers or scammers.
Teknet Marketing offers Social Media Marketing services – see our Social Media Marketing page to find out more. Alternatively, you can email hello@teknetmarketing.co.uk or phone 0800 488 0400 for more information!