Our Case Studies
Some of the things we have been working on recently
Our Case Studies
CT Paper Sales
Services Used
Bespoke Software Development portfolio web development
CT Paper Sales

CT Paper Sales came to us wanting some type of solution to manage their stock. As wholesale paper converters they have a huge amount of paper passing through their facility and trying to manage it with traditional methods was not very efficient at all.
So following a few meetings looking at their existing systems and finding out their processes we designed and developed a full stock management solution for them. The system tracks by reel number and allows them to rewind reels to new sizes for customers or be converted to sheets and calculates waste, it also produces delivery notes and shows them what they have in stock at all times. It also has a customer portal that allows certain customers to access their stock and place orders direct into their system.
Not only are they now far more efficient but management of the sales aspect of the business can now be performed from anywhere, at any time! They love it.
If you are interested in seeing if your business can be more efficient then give us a call now on 0800 488 0400 and lets have a chat about it.
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