5 Reasons Paid Search Is Great For Your Business
Paying for search results through things like Pay-Per-Click, or any of the other formats this takes, may seem a little strange. Surely looking at SEO is better? After all, organic search results are, well, free. At least aside from any costs you pay an agency or member of staff to optimise your website anyway.
But there are benefits to paying for advertising on both search results and other platforms like social networks. We’re mainly looking at the search results format in this post, but some of these benefits do also apply to social advertising platforms like Facebook Ads.
So what are the benefits to paying to appear in search results? Here’s a few of them.
More clicks.
Yes, you read that right. Paying for search results can actually be more effective than optimising organically. According to Wordstream, almost 2/3 of all clicks for some keywords are on sponsored or paid content. These keywords? Usually commercial terms where people have a higher purchase intent. So they’re looking to buy. Which is exactly what you want, right?
Higher rankings.
Let’s face it, even if you rank number one on Google (well done if you do) for a really great search term that’s relevant to your business and high traffic, that’s all you can be. But having an advertisement on page one at the top spot means you’ll always be higher up the page than someone who’s number one on the organic search. So you’re at point 0 or -1 or something. Either way, it’s a lower number.
Faster rankings.
Yes, organic search is good. There’s no denying the benefits ranking can have – which is why we’ve written these posts on the topic of SEO. But it takes time. Even if you optimise your website perfectly, it still has to climb a little. And sometimes you might only start ranking on low-traffic terms and have to build from there to the higher traffic ones.
This isn’t always the case, but it is sometimes. Whereas with PPC formats, you can rank highly quite quickly – providing you’re relevant and your bid is high enough, amongst other things. There’s none of that time dedicated to climbing up the rankings on search engines.
More options.
Because Pay-Per-Click advertising isn’t just about search results anymore. Or clicks actually. There are a lot of different ways people can use paid advertising on sites like Google to appear in front of potential customers. You could appear on a website, with a visual advert. Or maybe before a YouTube video. You might pay per impression rather than click.
There’s a lot of different ways to use PPC advertising now, more than these just mentioned anyway. You could try a lot of ways to appeal to customers – so even if you’re not successful on search, or people aren’t interested, they might be another way.
It can be cheap.
PPC advertising isn’t necessarily expensive. Sometimes, if you manage to find a low-demand term, this can cost pence per click. Which might lead to a sale worth pounds. Which can’t be bad. Higher traffic keywords do cost more than this, but it might still be worthwhile if your products are more expensive.
The keywords available for PPC advertising are many – all with different prices and relevance. It’s worth making sure your keywords are relevant to what you’re trying to sell as then you stand a better chance of keeping people on your website once they’ve clicked through.
There are a lot of considerations when it comes to Pay-Per-Click. But there are also a lot of benefits – these are only five of them. It’s worthwhile thinking through a few things, like what you most want to advertise, and how much you’re willing to spend on PPC. But we’ll go into more detail of this in an upcoming post.
PPC is growing in popularity – and all kinds of platforms are now being used to advertise products. Search engines, videos, advertising space on websites, social networks, even apps – there’s the possibility to advertise on all of them. The options when it comes to PPC advertising are vast – and there’s a solution out there which is just right for your business. Or a few solutions. Either way, it could help you increase business.
PPC is kind of similar to SEO in some ways – but it is different in many others. As we’ve discussed here, there are plenty of benefits to using it for your company. It’s not about to replace SEO any time soon – but PPC advertising is growing. Which is why it might be worthwhile considering it now for your business alongside an SEO strategy. As the two are still fairly separate, and can be used in different ways to appeal to potential site visitors and customers, it’s still worth using both at this point.
PPC advertising has it’s benefits for your business – now there’s just the matter of working out if you want to pay to appeal to more customers or not. Then, if you decide to, it’s on to creating a strategy for your first Pay-Per-Click campaign.
Are you interested in a Pay-Per-Click advertising campaign for your business?
Not sure where to start? Teknet Marketing’s Paid Search Marketing can help you advertise your business on search engines like Google and Bing. We can also help if it’s Facebook Ads you’re after! For more information on this, please see our Paid Search Marketing service! Alternatively, to make an enquiry, email hello@teknetmarketing.co.uk or phone 0800 488 0400!